Emily’s Edge Fashion Q and A #2



Happy 2016! I’m very excited to see what this year holds for Emily’s Edge.

I was going to go out and take outfit photos for my post last weekend, but unfortunately that did not happen because I’m sick. I let you know on Instagram and Twitter yesterday about this, but I’m sure some of you didn’t see it.

I decided that I would make a quick fashion Q and A today for you guys, since it’s an easy to get together, and it was fun doing one of these a few months ago!

Sorry that you had to wait longer to see this, but I’m sure you understand. On the bright side, expect a new outfit post as soon as possible!

Let’s get into some of these questions!

1. What is your favorite type of shoe style or brand?

I really like boots, and how they look with outfits. However, I wear sneakers a lot just because they’re practical and go with everything. I love shoes, and picking a favorite brand is really hard for me!

2. What does the height and placement of jean pockets have to do with the effect of the jean?

If the pockets are not as wide and placed more closely together, the smaller the proportions will look. If the pockets are wide and and big, they can make your proportions look larger.

3. Thoughts on flannels?

I really like flannels! I think they’re really cute. They are also a great piece to layer under or over other pieces of clothing. They make a great accessory.

4. Thoughts on flare and bootcut jeans vs. skinny jeans?

I personally prefer skinny jeans. There has been a lot of people debating lately about whether or not skinny jeans are over. I see so many people wearing them, so it’s unlikely that they will go out of style now (so don’t worry if you can’t imagine yourself wearing anything other than skinny jeans). However, I have seen a few people wearing flare and bootcut jeans. They look really cute on some people, but I don’t prefer them.

5. Do you think that men wearing women’s clothing is controversial? Do you think it is acceptable?

I think that men can totally wear women’s clothing. Men and women can both wear whatever they want to wear. I feel like there are still going to be people that think that men should only wear men’s clothing, and women should only wear women’s clothing, but I don’t agree with that statement. People can wear whatever makes them happy and whatever they like.

On a related note, Jaden Smith is actually the new face of Louis Vuitton’s Spring Womenswear Campaign.  I know a lot of people aren’t going to agree with this, but I don’t have a problem with him being the face of the collection. If he wants to be the model for a womenswear collection, why can’t he?

If women want to be the faces of menswear collections, why can’t they be too?

6. How do trends form?

Trends can be taken from runway shows, a designer, role models, street style, etc. To explain how they form in a basic way, usually someone will wear something/show something that another person will like. That person then will wear what the other person wore or take inspiration from it. If more then a few people catch onto the style, and it becomes a common form of fashion, it can become a trend. Some trends only last a few weeks while others can last years. Trends are also different in other parts of the world. I hope this makes some sense!

7. Do you recommend mostly following trends or keeping your own style?

I definitely recommend keeping your own style over following trends because fashion is a form of self-expression. You want to be true to yourself when you’re choosing what to wear. You can still follow trends and have your own style, though. For example, I show you guys my fashion taste here on this blog. All of the outfits that I show you are my own style, but some of them have trends incorporated into them because I like those trends, and they match my fashion taste. You can do that, too!

I hope you guys enjoyed this quick little post. Make sure to keep checking up on here/Instagram/Twitter to see when my outfit post will be up! I’m really excited to start doing those again. 🙂

Talk to you soon!

-Emily Berrol

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